Hello bunnies ♥
I hope you're not bored yet, but here I'm going to do some review of Body Care products that I received from Sociolla, Beauty Journal and it's from Thailand called JELLYS.
JELLYS dikenal luas saat ini dan diakui di seluruh dunia, seperti Indonesia, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Myanmar, Laos, Kamboja, Filipina, Singapura, Arab Saudi.
Jelly is committed to providing not only good but great skin care products.
A selection of natural ingredients to obtain the standard quality of their skin care products. Jellys is a safe products and it's a high quality products, that people all over the world shouldn't be worried about using it.
So JELLYS has total of 9 products yang udah ada dan available di Indonesia.
dua nya lagi, produck nya JELLYS yang baru keluar dan ini khusus untuk wajah, that's Pure Face Bluefin Tuna Cream untuk mencerahkan wajah, menutrisi dan mengembalikan lagi energi kulit sehingga lebih mulus, glowy dan lembab.
dan satu lagi Pure Face Mask Power Soap yang dapat mencerahkan wajah juga, mengecilkan pori-pori, mengangkat minyak berlebihan, serta kotoran dan sel kulit mati.
I got 3 body care products from JELLYS which are:
JELLYS Pure Soap
JELLYS Pure Lotion with SPF 60
JELLYS Pure DD Cream Sunscreen SPF 100/PA+++
All this body care products are focused on brightening your skin, removing all those dead skin cell, and making your skin healthier, moisturised and also well protected from pollution, UVB rays and direct sun light exposure.
I'm that type of person who always concern about my skin, from top to toe.
And as for my job, I'm kinda exposed to sunlight since I'm walking home after works at 12 p.m.
That's why I need more than just sunscreen that not only protect but also brightening.
That's why i'm super excited to try this out.
The first product that I'm going to review is
~ Jellys Pure Soap ~
This pure soap concentrated Glutathione that you can see clearly in 3 minutes.
Whiter, brighter and smoother and healthier skin aura. For a smoother, more radiant and acne free skin. Reduces freckles, dark spots and eliminate acne while helping to make the skin pores smaller with its formulation of active ingredients.
The Ingredients:
Cocos Nucifera Oil, Sodium Hydroxide, Alpha Hydroxy Acid, Glutathione, Tocophercol, Rice Milk Fragrance, AHA, Vitamin E.
How to use:
Apply lather onto your hands, and then put them on your body with water twice a day in the morning and night
Net. 100 g.
New innovation and high concentrate extract, L-glutathione x20.
It's also contain several concentrate vitamins. It improve your skin tone brighter, smoother and healthier skin. Help to remove dead skin cell.
Jellys claims that you can see the result clearly even after first application. But again, everybody has different type of skin, to some people, the result may be vary, more than 1x try even weeks or months
Sabun batang ini punya wangi susu yang sangat enak dan quite strong, vuman ga bikin pusing or eneg karena walaupun strong wanginya natural. Bau nya pun khas. To be honest, I really love the smell of this soap. Sangat gampang juga berbusanya, tinggal kasih air dikit lalu aplikasi kan ke badan. Busanya pun cukup banyak tapi ga overly foam, just enough to make your body feels refreshed and great.
One thing I don't like, that it's actually a soap. walaupun aku suka baunya, but I prefer shower gel instead of soap.
Jujur Jellys sendiri ga begitu menjelaskan sebenernya ini buat badan atau wajah. Aku baca pas awal ada tulisan untuk Acne Free Skin, Smaller Pores, Freckles, and Dark Spots, ku kira untuk wajah.
Aku baca juga di website nya Jellys dibilangnya buat wajah. Jadi lah kupake buat wajah, bodohnya aku, langsung kulitku super kering mampus, setelahnya jadi super oily karena oil dimuka ga ada semua, skin barrier ku ilang semua.
pake aja untuk body yah! and I hope Jellys fix this problem dan tolong lebih jelas ini untuk pemakaian wajah atau badan.
I haven't see any significant result selama pemakaian hampir seminggu ini.
Kulitku dasarnya udah putih walau bagian tangan, lutut, siku dan kaki dekat jari agak kusam.
Although I feel a bit brighter especially my hands, other than that, belum terlihat.
Oh, aku punya beberapa acne kecil dipunggung yang mungkin karena parfume atau conditioner, aku ngerasa sih jerawatnya mengempes dan tinggal sisa bekas aja. begitu juga acne di bagian butt aku, walaupun cuman 1 karena pake softex yang panjang, mungkin lembab jadi numbuh jerawat. kempes sih jerawatnya di butt aku.
Untungnya juga di badan, sabun ini ga begitu mengeringkan seperti kalau pake di wajah.
untuk ketahanan wangi sih ga gitu lama yah, setelah pake lotion rasanya sejam-2jam kemudian wanginya udah ilang.
One thing that makes me not worried, you can check their authenticity at www.jellysthailand.com
If your products are registered means your products are original. mine is registered! I checked!
Let's move on to the next product that I received.
~ Jellys Pure Lotion Sunscreen SPF 60 ~
this pure Lotion concentrated glutathione that you can see clearly in 7 days.
Brighter skin and smoother and healthier skin aura will shown. You'll have fair skin look like the natural white skin, nourishing skin and it also has sun protection SPF 60.
it has light cream that easily spread and it's not sticky.
Features available with for all skin to white radiant skin
This are the Ingredients:
You can also check their authenticity using that code.
it has new innovation with small molecule, light and quick to absorb.
It's also contain concentrate extract, L-glutathione x20 and several vitamins concentrate. It proves that you'll get your skin tone brighter up to 5 levels from base skin tone.
Protect skin from sunlight SPF 60.
How to use:
squeeze cream onto your palm and touch the cream around the body and equalize to smooth
Net. 200ml.
It has pump cap, which is very convenient for any lotion products, it's easier too to get the lotion with the amount that we want, too bad the open and close cap isn't really working well. I've tried!
It has white color, really soft scent of milk? I guess.
It's not that thick, not oily and not sticky, and as it spread throughout my body it's easy to apply and spread evenly, sama seperti yang aku harapkan dari lotion-lotion yang aku suka pake. it also absorb quickly sih! Ga berair waktu dipake, bener-bener bikin berasa kulitmu di protect dan moisturized banget. Aku suka banget lotion kayak gini.
Jujur habis pemakaian hampir seminggu aku belum ngeliat hasilnya untuk putihnya, karena seperti yang aku bilang td, dasarnya kulitku ini udah fair skin. Kulit badan dan kulit wajahku lebih putih kulit badan dibanding muka >.< I don't think I can get any whiter?
untuk brightening, belum significant juga hasilnya tapi ini dari pengamatan aja, aku ngerasa tangan dan kaki ku yang agak kusam ini lumayan ga begitu kusam lagi tapi, still, ga significant.
Aku jujur sih ga terlalu pusing untuk hal mencerahkan dan memutihkan, aku lebih ambil untuk protection dari matahari, dimana aku akhir-akhir ini sering terekspos matahari, aku kuatir dengan jadi item nya kulit or bahkan worse, kena kanker kulit or even dark spots and freckles karena kena matahari. I don't like freckles, freckles aren't cute! maybe for some but not me >.< I see this body lotion doing such a great job in protecting my skin well from direct sunlight. it's like I don't need to worry about walking home at 12p.m
Aku juga ada belang di kaki karena aku suka pake sendal jepit, tapi belangnya ga terlalu kentara, pake lotion ini cukup bantu sama ratain skin tone aku balik sih. walau ga sempurna karena baru pake hampir seminggu tapi ada hasil aja sebenernya berarti ngefek dong!
now go on to the last products which the least I use
~ Jellys Pure DD Cream ~
Sunscreen spf 100 / PA +++ DD Cream for Body is a flawless-looking skin tone.
This revolutionary body DD Cream goes on sheer, dries quickly, and works like a moisturizer to visibly improve your skin with every use. it has Anti-Oxidant Complex and spf 100/PA+++
This lightweight DD Creme creates an instant, even-toned, brighten look.
The Ingredients:
Nah khusus product yang ini, code authenticitynya di plastiknya.
apapun sebelum pake kalian harus cek banget codenya di website Jellys. langsung minta ganti kalo kalian dapet yang palsu. Never use fake products karena kalian ga tau kandungan apa yang dipakai, terutama ini whitening product yang kalian pakai ke kulit, jadi harus hati-hati banget!
New innovation water drop!! Import extract form korea.
Suddenly white and clear skin after use. Protect skin from sunlight SPF100/PA +++.
When applying on skin, small water drop will appear. It's water, sweat resistance. It doesn't mess up. It improves your skin tone to bright skin tone. Take your white perfect skin all day.
Bentuknya tube ukuran 100ml. Tutupnya cap puter.
Gampang banget keluarin cream nya keluar. it has milk scent, soft dan ga gitu strong menurut aku yah. tapi ga seenak body lotionnya.
Creamnya warna putih susu, yang kalo aku bilang sih kalo masih basah gampang di spread, tapi langsung cepet kering, kalo udah kering, udah ga bisa di blend kaya body lotionnya. jadi hati-hati pake ini bisa keliatan banget langsung part mana yang dipake sama yang ga karena ada garis gitu. seperti yang bisa kalian lihat dibawah swatch nya.
Nah ini dia pemakaian di tangan ku yang sebelah kiri (kalo dari kalian yang lihat sebelah kanan)
Kulit ku sendiri udah fair tapi emang ke arah yellow, sedangkan setelah dipakai DD cream ini jadi putih fair yang ke arah pink.
Aku pake ini cuman di tangan aja, lengan ga aku pakai, sama kaki dan lutut. sisanya ga aku pakai karena ga mau terlihat terlalu putih, secara kalo kemana-kemana orang slalu bilang I have fair white skin. Kalo keluar pake ini satu badan, aku cuman ngebayangin muka ku nanti keliatan banget kusamnya, karena memang wajahku lebih gelap (alias merah karena super sensitive and acne) dan aku jarang pake foundation, aku ga mau terlalu jomplang.
and yes, hebat ini water proof banget selama kalian ga cuci pake sabun, it won't washed out.
They said if you use this daily the effect will be permanent, but I'm not sure because I don't use this daily, I only see if I dont's use it then I won't be as white as when I use this product.
Jangan lupa aja sehabis pakai ini cuci bersih kulit kita dan mandi pake pure soap biar ngebantu lebih mencerahkan kulit yah!
So overall, I'm quite impressed with how it works on my skin though it's not significant.
The pure soap quite help with back acne, the lotion also help with uneven skin tone, and the DD cream helps instantly making skin tone even.
I'm really not sure it this works on turning people with natural dark skin, but it does works for those people with natural fair skin but got tanned and wants to get back to their natural skin tone, like me.
It doesn't have any side effect as for now, and I'm using it for almost a week.
I'm going to keep doing it since I see quite a result for almost a week of usage. I bet it will show more significant result after a month. But more importantly, I love how it protects my skin as well as nourishing it.
You can buy it online for now, go check:
Thankyou so much for reading my honest review.
This is sponsored review but I'm writing based on my experience, I'm always trying to be honest in every review I post. No matter how expensive the product was, but it's doesn't suit me or don't give me any progress or better changes, I will always let you guys know in a proper words.
I hope this review helpful for you. See you on my next post.
This is sponsored review but I'm writing based on my experience, I'm always trying to be honest in every review I post. No matter how expensive the product was, but it's doesn't suit me or don't give me any progress or better changes, I will always let you guys know in a proper words.
I hope this review helpful for you. See you on my next post.
If you guys have any question you want to ask about this, just comment on the comment box below